HelmutFX dashboard

This video shows the functions of the HelmutFX dashboard:

This is how to use the FX dashboard:

The dashboard shows all logged in users, you can see if they are online, what name, what display name and what role they have. Furthermore, you can see from which IP address or from which computer with which client they have logged in. This is very helpful to find out if there is a version mismatch between the version that is currently available for download and the version that is installed on the respective client. On this page you can see when the user last logged in, to track if they may have been logged in for days. Here you can see the number of licenses available and in use, both as a number and as a percentage. In addition, you can perform some actions. One action is to kick the user out if he forgot to log out. One is to send him a message. This message will be displayed in the web interface. You can also kick out all users or send a message to all users. Of course you can also filter a user. If you have a large number of users, then it is possible to simply pick the appropriate one and say I want to send him a message. Furthermore, if you press Open Logs, you can view the log files of the respective client. For this purpose a connection to the respective client is established. You don’t have to go to the workstation where the user is working.



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