Duplicate projects
This video explains how to duplicate projects in HelmutFX.

How to duplicate projects:

This is done via the project view in HelmutFX. Once you have filtered the desired project, you can click on “duplicate” in the Action menu. The Duplicate Project dialog opens, which provides all parameters analogous to the Create Project dialog. Here it is possible to change the name, the tag, the group, the category, the template and all metadata. In other words, you create a completely new project, as you would do with the Create Project Dialog. Here I refer to the video how to create projects. The only difference to the Create project dialog is that here the template for the new project is the existing project and not a predefined template. For this reason, the icons for Premiere After Effects and Audition are not available at this point. Once you have defined all the parameters, press Add Project and create the duplicate.

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